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Ordre professionnel des technologistes médicaux du Québec


Ordre Professionnel des Technologistes Médicaux du Québec

For their annual convention, l’Ordre Professionnel des Technologistes Médicaux du Québec renewed their long standing partnership with Creativ Nation. For this 2019 edition, the participants were invited to the CentrExpo Cogeco de Drummondville under the theme “au fil du temps… L’évolution dynamique du laboratoire”. On the progra: conferences, workshops and a tradeshow. All this to enhance participants knowledge in the field of medical biology. All in all a superb opportunity to exchange and put into to practice the presented concepts. Tu enhance the spirit of exchange, Creativ Nation focused on a stage in the very center on the main room. A configuration thatis always appreciated by attendees and speakers alike due to the effect of proximity. The impact created being dynamic and most definitely inspiring.

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